
Our Journey's Bumpy Start:
Our, Leif and Florian's, storytelling adventure started with the "Sunny Side Down" screenplay. After gaining traction in pre-production, even securing the interest of a renowned actor, the project was disrupted by unforeseen circumstances, namely, the COVID-19 pandemic. As time went on, our team of filmmakers faced challenges, as some members relocated or took on new commitments.


Adapting to Change:
In response, we made the decision to adapt our screenplay into a comic format. This transition felt natural, given the existing comic elements and the structure of the original script. So far, we have successfully rewritten the first two chapters and are currently immersed in the redesign of the remaining four.


The Artist's Quest:
Our road to finding the perfect artist for such a long-term project also had a few bumps at the beginning. Undeterred, we embarked on an extensive search and discovered Amy Clare, a talented comic artist from Vancouver. Her style beautifully complements our story, and her sample drawings affirmed our conviction in choosing her.


The Path Ahead:
Our next milestone involves crafting 15-17 sample pages, a proof of concept for our story and vision. Through these samples, we intend to captivate potential publishers and grow our presence on social media platforms. With the support of a publisher and our followers, we aim to bring all six chapters, totaling approximately 150 pages, to life.


The Ultimate Goal:
Our collective aspiration is to unite the entire story within a single printed comic book, delivering a comprehensive and immersive experience to our readers.

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